RADEC:In this Episode, we will learn how an edtech startup RADEC is using operational research to build and develop its product EDUPI to make digital education content available offline.
Exambites:In this Episode, we will learn how Exambites conducted tested it Minimum Viable Product with six schools in Pakistan to improve the product and take it from idea to market stage.
E-Learning NetworkIn this Episode, we will learn how ELN is bringing UK accredited teacher training to Pakistan, and how it has adjusted its pricing for the Pakistani market to build a demand.
Class Notes:In this Episode, we will learn about ClassNotes’s plans for monetising its website that receives over 100,000 views every month from students.
Ausomatic:In this Episode, we will learn about strategies used by Ausomatic to acquire new schools/clients and to maintain relations with existing clients.
Learn O Bots:In this Episode, we will learn how Learnobots introduces STEM learning and robotics in schools in Pakistan, the challenges they faced along the way, and how they maintain their competitive edge as new players come into the industry. |
Listen to the Guftugu of Gurus on how to build and grow your business