Day: October 17, 2022

October 17, 2022 Fund Raising

Do Start-Ups Need Funding To Be Successful?

Funding is the backbone of successful start-ups these days. An innovative idea is not enough for an entrepreneur if they are looking to grow and scale their business. Funding is essential for various activities and especially for newly established ventures

October 17, 2022 Fund Raising

What Are Funding Rounds?

A start-up with an innovative business idea will need to put it out into the market in order to attract investors to fund their newly established start-ups. Similarly, companies go through ‘funding rounds’ in order to secure investments from investors who are interested and willing to sponsor their business.

October 17, 2022 Design

Design rules your Startup, but How?

Why do large and small businesses spend so much time and money designing logos and selecting typefaces and colors for their brands? Many entrepreneurs and businesspeople may ask themselves this…